OSHA Interim Enforcement Response Plan for Coronavirus Disease - Enforcement Memos
Please download OSHA's "Enforcement Response Plan" by clicking [here]
The memo covers the following:
- Background
- General Enforcement Guidance
- Specific Guidance for COVID-19 Enforcement
- Sample Employer Letter for COVID-19 Activities
- Sample Hazard Alert Letter for COVID-19 Inspection
- Sample Alleged Violation Description (AVD) for Citing the General Duty Clause
- Additional COVID-19-Related References
Site Safety can provide assistance if and when an OSHA enforcement action takes place at your workplace!
Call or email us now!
We are working remotely and available to answer all of your questions!
New York Office: 347-372-9010
Florida Office: 786-999-3864
California Office: 310-946-8116
Email: info@site-safety.com